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Sk.e-demokratia Offering In quarantine

sk.e-demokratia offers to prospects the opportunity to open and deal with public affairs, suggest and implement political actions. After it is registered as a political party, it will enable citizens to enter into politics in a manner that blurs the boundary between it and politics.

sk.e-demokratia wants to achieve this through the civility program that defines the scope of the discsussion on the portal, where also all its activities take place.

Website of sk.e-demokratia is open to all visitors, not only from Slovakia. They may get to know the website to the last detail or can participate in sk.e-demokratia activities as registered users. Slovak citizens can also join as members, candidates for leaders, leaders and, if successful in the elections as political party representatives.

Pri prijímaní členov skúma sk.e-demokratia iba splnenie zákonných podmienok na členstvo v politickej strane. Môže si dovoliť neklásť ďalšie požiadavky, lebo každý, kto sa chce cez sk.e-demokratiu presadiť v politike, musí tak urobiť v demokratickom a konkurenčnom prostredí jej webového portálu pri dodržiavaní programu kultúrnosti.

In taking members sk.e-demokratia examines only if they meet legal conditions for a membership in a political party. It can afford not to impose additional requirements, for anyone who wants succeed through sk.e-demokratia in politics, must do so in a democratic and competitive environment of its website, while respecting the civility program.