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Civility Program In quarantine
Framework party program – Civility Program
Sk.e-demokratia program is stated in Art. 2 of Statutes.
Framework program of the party is the Civility Program. Its ambition is to promote civility in all areas of social life in the broad sense, i.e. civilized country of civilized citizens.
The subject-matter of the Civility Program is rigorous fulfillment of the following documents that are fully shared by the party and considers them being invaluable achievements of civilization:
- The Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted and proclaimed by the resolution of the United Nations General Assembly on 10 December 1948,
- Bill of human rights and freedoms adopted by the Federal assembly of CSFR as the Constitutional Act No. 23/1991 Col. on 9 January 1991,
- The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union proclaimed on 7 December 2000 as amended on 12. December 2007.
In promoting Civility Program in accordance with the above documents party shall endeavor to achieve social progress mainly in the following areas:
- Democracy,
- Freedom and privacy protection,
- Civil equality,
- Solidarity,
- Openness – access to information, equal opportunities,
- Justice, rule of law,
- Respect for the truth – objectivity, rationality,
- Respect for life and maternity,
- Respect for elderly people,
- Responsibility for property and respecting ownership,
- Responsibility for activity of individuals and organizations,
- Responsibility for raising young generations,
- Respect towards culture, cultural heritage and traditions,
- Respect for work,
- Respect for the individual,
- Respect for education and research,
- Compliance with the rules, agreements and words – integrity,
- Tolerance (racial, ethnic, linguistic, religious, gender),
- Respect for the environment and its protection – saving resources, pollution and reducing pollution and waste generation.
The Civility Program shall be the only framework for the intra-party discussion. The left wing, right wing, liberal, social-democratic, conservative or any other discussion framework is not applied.
To each election of representatives in the corresponding program forum shall be developed a particular program in line with the Civility Program.
The Civility Program shall seek to unite the society.