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Factual Forums In quarantine

List of Factual Forums

Factual forum deals with a topic from certain area of social life. Its most important results are the resolutions by which the party formulates its political goals in certain area. Resolution of factual forums are the building blocks of the party's program for particular elections.

The following might be the potential factual forums topics:

  1. Foreign policy,
  2. European legislation, national legislation and local government regulations,
  3. Central government authorities and companies with state participation. Their politics or particular measures shall be commented on, knowledge and opinions of users and members might be shared or alternative solutions might be suggested and analyzed,
  4. Local government authorities. Their politics or particular measures shall be commented on, knowledge and opinions of users and members might be shared or alternative solutions might be suggested and analyzed,
  5. Trends and concepts. General trends in society and civilization, the possibility of securing sustainable development and ethical concept of society might be analyzed.
  6. Forums of interest. They create room for interest groups which wish to influence the policy of the state or of the municipalities.

List of factual forums appears here after the creation of the first factual forum.

Zoznam faktických fór

Fórum Líder/Moderátor Samospráva Úrad štátnej správy Stav
Ministerstvo financií SR
Adaptace na participativní ekonomiku
Ministerstvo hospodárstva SR
Elektronické zariadenia žiakov v školách
Ministerstvo školstva SR