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Concept of the sk.e-demokratia In quarantine

Concept of the sk.e-demokratia

The concept of party activity and its organizational structure shall be:

Civility as the essential framework program,

Discussion as the source of suggestions and solutions. Some characteristics of
intra-party political discussion shall be:

  • All discussion is open to the public for reading,
  • The only restriction of the intra-party discussion shall compliance with the Civility Program,
  • Right to contribute to discussions acquire already registered users, who may not be members of the party. This also shall be the way the party engages public in its activity,
  • Processes of the party shall ensure that the discussion was civil, effective and led to resolutions,

Openness to members and topics as motivation for the engagement of public into the political party activity and a form of social control,

Bottom-up set-up as incentive for the engagement of public into the political party activity and as the way of agenda determination,

Direct democracy as decision-making by party members without intermediaries. Some characteristics of direct democracy within the party shall be:

  • Party member shall be entitled to participate in decision-making on all political issues they are interested in. They shall not be required to make decisions on all matters within party field of interest,
  • Party member shall be entitled to elect party cadres at their full discretion: forum leaders and candidates for public positions (party representatives),
  • The direct democracy shall not be performed to full extent only within the party forums representing the juridical power in the party,

Competitive party environment profiling the best individuals,

Flat organizational structure without any Chairman, Vice-chairman or any other political structures that would replace political direct decision-making of party members or of electing cadres instead of the party members,

Impartial Statutory body bound by the party resolutions adopted in the form of direct democracy and party forums.