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Copyright © 2017 sk.e-demokratia & Community Networks, Ltd. In quarantine

Copyright and conditions of insertion and usage of posts

  1. The party documents and the party database shall be subject to the copyright law in accordance with Act No. 618/2003 Col. on the copyright law and the rights related to the copyright law, as amended.
  2. By adding the post on the web website which is subject to the protection of the intellectual property in accordance with generally binding prescriptions (hereinafter referred to as „post“), its author (hereinafter referred to as „the author of the post“) declares that they are not breaching the laws, rights of any third persons and that they grant their consent to use this post to the extent, in the way and under the following conditions to the website, to the party and its members and registered users:
    1. The consent shall be granted for an unlimited period and the author of the post shall not be entitled to withdraw their consent,
    2. The consent shall be free (not subject to any remuneration),
    3. The consent shall be transferrable; the right to use the post might be transferred to third persons and the party shall dispose of it by the Chancellor,
    4. The consent shall be granted unconditionally, however, the author shall be entitled exercise all the rights that had been granted in accordance with this article,
    5. The consent shall be granted worldwide,
    6. The post might be published on the website by other persons on condition that the name of the author or their pseudonym remains attached to it,
    7. The post might be quoted by another author on condition that the name of the author or their pseudonym remains attached to it,
    8. The post might be processed, modified or adapted into another party document without any additional consent of the author and in case of the document drawn up by the party body, neither the name nor the pseudonym of the author must be stated; such documents might be named and used as the party documents, i.e. the author´s post might become a part of the forum resolution, party program, leader´s or representative´s speech, media announcement etc.
  3. Any further distribution of the party documents, mainly the Statutes, resolutions and programs as well as the extraction of the party database or further use might be possible only based on the previous written consent of the Chancellor.